Grab your Halloween costumes and join us for a morning of play - packed with some of our favorite sensory experiences!
Sensory stations (like a what’s-in-the-box activity for our brave young friends, a spaghetti dig*, and more).
Apple Nachos
Our favorite Hedgehog Walley will join us for a Glow Party dance break**
A trick-or-treat prize for each child
This event is allergy-friendly with accommodations made for our friends with gluten, nut, and dairy allergies. We are not a certified allergy-free facility, but there will be snack options that do not include any of the above ingredients, and our prizes are non-food prizes. As a family impacted by Celiacs Disease, we know how hard Halloween can be.
*Is the spaghetti gluten free? You bet!
**The freeze dance includes black lights and some light strobing